Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Aussie Football

I'm usually not very interested in sports (1) because I have other hobbies (2) because I can't watch sports without a TV, making following sports impractical.

However, there are some sports I would love to learn about/watch/play.

Top Contenders:
Martial Arts
and Australian football.

Aussie football is neither soccer nor American gridiron. I sadly don't know much about Aussie football, but what little I know sounds good.

Jake showed me this video today. It's just plain amazing.



  1. Nice! I'm sure that would get very interesting! Haha! I'm not so sure I'd want to play it though.

  2. We were able to watch an Australian football game in Jamaica (of all places) on tv, and it WAS very interesting to see! Needless to say, it was VERY different from American football and my brain had a very hard time following the game. :D

  3. Aussie football is pretty cool. I've watched a little and my Dad (who is Australian) has explained some of it to me, but he played rugby. Cool video!

  4. i'm a new follower, but not a new reader. i'm purposely at home's sis(: look forward to reading! (and please tell lindsey to write on her blog lol)

